Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Even I Make a Mistake Once in a While!

I started a new version of the Primitive Power T-Rex lifts yesterday. Unfortunately, I messed up and put deadlifts first, before power cleans. Bad idea Jose!!!!

While it is generally true that we want to program our exercise order so that the largest demand exercises come before the least demanding, specialization-type exercises, there are times when that is not going to be ideal.

Yesterday's workout was an example of this. Since I'm still weak after my five year hiatus from strength training, I'm only deadlifting 295 pounds. I did one set of 5, but on my second set only managed to pull the first 3 reps. I missed the 4th. No big deal really; I'm not a competitive lifter and I'm only 33, so I've got plenty of time left to get the load intensity up.

I normally do 5 sets X 3 reps for my power cleans at 185+ pounds. Not yesterday. I managed to hit 165lbs, but the 185 was just not going to happen. I attribute this solely to the heavy deadlifts prior to that.

So, my choices are left as:
1) I can move the deadlift to my other workout, meaning I'd do it after squats and bench press, or I can move it to the end of the same workout, meaning it would be after power cleans and overhead presses. Six of one, half-dozen of the other I think.

My program for the time being looks like this:

Lift on monday, wednesday, and friay. Alternate between the two workouts.

Workout A
BB Power Cleans 5X3--sets across
BB Push-Press 5X5--sets across
BB Deadlift 2X5--sets across
Chin-Ups 5X5--sets across
Ab Wheel Rollout 5X5--sets across

Workout B
BB Back Squats 5X5--sets across
BB Bench Press 5X5--sets across
BB Straight-Leg Deadlift 5X5--sets across
Parallel Dips 5X5--sets across
Ab Wheel Rollout 5X5--sets across

You will notice that it is comprised of simple, primitive barbell exercises. There is nothing wrong with using dumbbells either. I just don't see the point.

A "Functional" trainer would tell you that using DBs makes the exercise harder, because it activates more of the stabilizer muscles. Maybe, but maybe not.

Why is it that I can do a combined weight of only 130 pounds with dumbbells, but with a barbell I can go 5-10, or even 20 pounds more? The synergistic effect of the muscles makes this possible. If I can do 20-30 pounds more with a barbell than I can lift with two dmbbells, do you honestly think I'm NOT going to be able to lift the lighter DB load? Of course not. Barbell exercises demand activation of the core region too, it's just thoe fucking god-awful machines that don't!

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