Thursday, October 29, 2009


I am a strength and conditioning coach (plus teaching a boxing class and an MMA/unarmed combatives class) here in Portlnd, Oregon. Other than my supposed expertise regarding nutrition, training methods and supplementation (which basically anyone can acquire with a little effort and study), one of the biggest services I provide my clientele is accountability.

They know they have someone who is keeping track of how often they are in the gym training and how much effort they are putting into it. It keeps them driven, because most of us don't want to let someone down. We'll work harder to appease someone else's image of us than we will to achieve our own goals.

Today was the first time all week that I've worked out. For the last three weeks, I've averaged one strength training session per week. That's not anywhere near enough to maintain my strength, let alone continue to improve it. My squat weight remained the same, but my push-press dropped from 205lbx5 to 155lbx5. Ouch.

So, I'm going to start putting my workouts up here, in the hope that somehow it will help me to remain accountable. So, if you happen to read this and realize that I haven't posted a training session in a while, drop me a line and chew my ass!

I'm lifting 5 days a week (3x/week primary lifts- BB Back Squats, BB Deadlifts, BB PowerCleans, and BB Push-Press/Overhead Press, plus weighted sit-ups, weighted dips, and chin-ups. 2x/week auxiliary strength training- neck work, forearm work, extra ab/core work).

I'm doing Jitz on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I'm working on my Crazy Monkey Defense Boxing on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

My cardio is pretty well limited to Guerrilla Cardio/Tabata Intervals. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and I'm doing 3x sets of Tabata Intervals on the treadmill. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, I'm doing 3x sets of Tabata Intervals of kettlebell swings.

If that doesn't get me back to elite status again in a hurry, it's because I'm overtraining. I don't believe in overtraining. I believe in not eating or sleeping enough! We'll see.

Keep me accountable!

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