Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thoughts on the .gov (federal type)

As I’ve mentioned previously in this blog, I am somewhat convinced that things cannot continue as they are and we are headed for the end of the world (or at least society) as we know it, aka TEOTWAWKI.

A recent thread on a forum that I frequent ( brought this into somewhat clearer focus for me, so I’m going to share some of the thoughts it sparked and clarify some things I said in that thread.


I was and am opposed to the USA PATRIOT ACT. I think it’s a piece of crap legislation that provided too much power to the federal government. It was past in a time of fear in this country when the enemy (Al-Qaeda) had just struck successfully. They were successful on both the tactical and strategic fronts.

Tactically, they DID manage to slam airliners into the WTC and kill thousands of people, exactly as they had planned. Strategically, they managed to instill fear into the hearts of the west.

Our legislators acted out of fear, with the common defense first in their minds. Unfortunately, that’s not their fucking job!

While the federal government IS constitutionally-mandated to provide for the common defense of the Union, the specific role of legislators is to look out for the rights and needs of their constituency. Nancy Pelosi is supposed to look out for Californians and Harry Reid is supposed to look out for Nevadans. The problem is they don’t. (This is not to imply that the Republicans are looking out for their people either! Both parties are fucked up.) They’re more interested in solidifying the power of the federal government in the military district of Columbia.

In their fear of further attacks by third-world followers of a medieval faith, the legislators of the most powerful, technologically-advanced nation people in the history of mankind…gave in. Hell, they didn’t even blink about it. Sure, let’s give the feds even MORE unconstitutional power! We’ll make the government stronger and you don’t need to worry, because we’re looking out for you! (Tell that to the folks who died on 11 SEP 01; the .gov had the watch then too…)

I realize that the federal government has a long history of infringing on the liberties of the states and individuals. We’ve seen federal troops used for law enforcement applications within these borders. Shay’s Rebellion, Reconstruction in the South, Civil Rights in Little Rock, Arkansas…the list goes on…there were federal troops at Waco…the FBI snipers and assaulters were, on a fundamental level, federal military personnel. I don’t have a problem with the paramilitarization of local and state LE agencies. I realize that, to do their jobs in today’s world, they damned near HAVE to be paramilitary.

I do have a problem with the federal government turning the FBI and DEA into paramilitary organizations in a very transparent way of bypassing Posse Comitatus.

If a situation arises that demands military-type action inside the borders of one of the united states (lower case used intentionally, we are not referring to the political entity of the U.S. federal government), then the governor of that state has the legal and constitutional mandate to activate his state’s National Guard or militia forces. (The ARNG is NOT the constitutional militia, but that’s a conversation for another time…) I don’t even see a constitutional issue with using the NG to train local and state LEOs! Let the NG get the training from the Regular Army, and then let THEM train LEOs. Don’t use a bullshit federal agency that is designed solely for the enforcement of bullshit laws to train LEOs. It’s just fucking un-American.

It’s a lot like the so-called “Constitution-Free Zone.” No fucking such thing exists! EVERY SINGLE FUCKING PIECE OF REAL ESTATE PROTECTED BY THE UNITED STATES IS PROTECTED BY THE US CONSTITUTION! How the FUCK does anyone think its okay to say, “Oh well, you live ‘here’ so you don’t get that benefit?” George and Tom are rolling over in their graves! Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine are looking at us from whatever after-life they may be in and are going, “Dude, where’s my country?”

Without the US Constitution, we’re not the United States of America. If we’re going to wipe our collective asses with the document, let’s dissolve the fucking union! Let’s either rename it the “Federal People’s Republic if North America,” while we’re at it! Fuck that!

Every single person who has ever served in a position of public trust that required the taking of an oath- .mil, LEO, public official, etc- should be ready to start shooting motherfuckers already! We swore an oath to “protect” the Constitution, so what aren’t we? Because, it’s easier to sit by and watch other people get squished by the jack-boots of the current situation.

A lot of states are currently passing what is mostly meaningless “sovereignty” legislation. We need to let our state legislators know that we want those bills to have teeth. We need to either reconvene the Constitutional Convention and wrote a new constitution, or we need to dissolve the union and let the individual states develop new alliances with one another when their goals and beliefs coincide.

Unfortunately, too many people are content to sit back and wallow in their belief that .gov knows best. The people in power in D.C. are sure not going to disabuse us of that notion. Even the low-level staffers in D.C. have a vested interest in keeping that myth alive.

Maybe these people DO need to live under the steel-clad thumb of an oppressive, socialist regime that “knows best; one that stands by the belief that “if it interferes with the government prerogative, your rights can be taken from you.”

The Constitution doesn’t grant powers to anyone but the federal government. It was about LIMITING those powers. It PROTECTS the natural rights granted to us by virtue of our humanity, not by the fucking government.

Don’t mistake me for reactionary, knee-jerk conservative either though! I think the Gitmo detainees should have had trials or tribunals within a year of being captured. If they can be shown to be guilty, kill the fuckers. If not, let them go. Fly their happy asses back to Iraq or the ‘Stan, dump them off the aircraft with $50.00 and tell them to have a nice life. Let’s be done with robbing people of their natural rights though, regardless of where they are from!

The more often we let unconstitutional shit happen without the citizenry standing up and shouting to the .gov to “stick to doing the jobs we gave you,” the more it’s going to happen.

Here’s what I see happening with the current health bill…

“Oh, we’re going to impose a mandated tax to provide for health care for those that don’t have it.” If you don’t pay the taxes, you go to prison.

Then a few years from now, somebody decides that since “the government is paying for your health care,” they should be able to decide what healthy and un-healthy habits and hobbies you participate in.

“You can’t go rock-climbing, because you might fall and get hurt and the government would have to pay for the medical care.”

“You can’t have guns, because they’re dangerous.”

“You can’t smoke because it leads to lung cancer that the government has to provide for your health care to take care of.

“You can’t eat red meat, because a government study showed it to be high in cholesterol. That leads to health issues that the government will have to pay for the treating of.”

You can talk all you want about the “security” of universal, socialized health care. You can be willing to pay a few dollars more a month in taxes to support it. What are you going to do when they come to your house in six years and take your television “because it causes you to be sedentary, leading to debilitating obesity?” Why are you so upset? The government telling you what is healthy “has been happening for years!”

Fuck y0ur socialized health care! I’ll doctor myself assholes.

Personal liberty in the intellectual, emotional, religious, philosophical, and financial aspects are the foundations of this nation. We are not a nation, but a Union of States allied under the Constitution.

Part Deux

I don’t see a new constitutional convention being called. The fuck-stains in DC aren’t willing to give up any of the power. I see it the same way that another poster on the thread saw it; A collapse of certain economic powerhouses via the business sector running for their life and liberty, a la “Atlas Shrugged.” Look at the West Coast states…California, Oregon and Washington (to a lesser degree other than Sea-Tac.).

Unemployment is demonstrably higher than it is elsewhere (although it’s high everywhere). They are encouraging illegal immigration in California by offering illegals a cut of Social Security! Why the fuck would I stay in CA if I was a business man?

I’d move out of state, let the economy of California crash and start lobbying my new state legislators to secede from the Union in order to protect us from the moves by the feds to protect California.

The fact is, according the 10th Amendment of the Constitution, put in there BY the original signatories, AS A CONDITION OF RATIFICATION of the Constitution, any power not granted to the “States united” (i.e. the federal government) is reserved to the states respectively and the people. So, why is the federal .gov outlawing shit like pot and crack? If Californians want to snort blow, let them make it legal there and let them do it. When their state economy collapses because all the big shots are brain-dead from the coke rotting their brains, who the fuck cares? The illegals will be there, working hard anyway! If the people of Illinois want socialized health care, let the people of Illinois pay the bills for each other, not Montanans or Arizonans! That kind of shit SHOULD be at the discretion of the sovereign states (Chirst, now I sound like a “militia nutjob!”)

As a current example, there is nothing in the Constitution of the United States that says anything about a "right" to health care. I know a lot of statists are claiming that "the common welfare" covers it, but I call horseshit. It might be good for the fat slob who doesn't work for a living and collects taxpayer-funded healthcare, but it's sure as hell not for MY welfare to pay increased taxes to support someone else's kids.

Same thing with gay marriage. I don't have a problem with gays and lesbians. If the state of California or the state of Oregon wants to grant them the right to marry, so be it. If Utah, however, chooses not to recognize that marriage, then they don't need to move to Utah, simple as that. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say a word one about marriage or the right to marry anyone. Leave it to the states to decide. Noone should be allowed to interfere with their right to live a happy life. Unfortunately, too often in my experience (I'm working in a gym in Portland, remember...the experience is not inconsiderable) they don't want socio-political parity. They want extra liberties and a superior position for their belief system. Why should THEIR demands be more valuable to the common good than the view of a stauch Baptist (remember, I'm a commited atheist here) who abhors the "unGodly abomination" of their "sins?" Leave it to the states. If you live in a state that allows it, and you don't like it, move. If you live in a state that doesn't allow it and you want to marry your gay/lesbian lover, move somewhere that does allow it.

For those who would point out that sometimes jobs don't allow for you to move, I'd call horseshit on that too. Decide which is more important, the love of your partner or more economic security? If you're so poor that moving is absolutely out of the question, then you have bigger issues than who someone else is marrying to be worried about.

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